How to Make Times Tables Practice Fun
How to Make Times Tables Practice Fun
Top Tips For Making Times Tables Practice Fun
More and more importance is being placed upon times tables practice in schools, which means there’s an even greater need for children to practise their times tables at home. Take a look at some of our top tips for making times tables practice fun for you and your child!
1. Orchard Toys Times Tables Games
Maybe we’re biased – but what better way to make learning fun than through playing games?! It can be hard to know how to approach teaching times tables, but our First Times Tables game can be used as a resource to help guide parents through the mechanics of teaching times tables. First Times Tables is a fantastic introduction to 2, 5 and 10 times tables and once children have mastered this, Times Tables Heroes can be used to help practise multiplication from 2 to 12! It’s got two games in one for double the fun and also includes a colourful times tables checker that can be used independently to the game.
2. Online Resources
There are a number of free resources available online. Your school may even have set you up with an online programme such as Times Tables Rockstars or there are a vast array of times tables songs on YouTube that can make practising them fun. A combination of both is a great way to reinforce and encourage practise, practise, practise.
3. Every Day Examples
Being able to see how multiplication is used in the real world is a great way to help children see beyond the numbers and to keep them motivated. With younger children you could start with simple household tasks and encourage them to practise grouping by pairing socks or shoes together. You could also encourage them to put building blocks into different groups. Next time you’re cooking or doing the shopping, make sure you encourage them to apply their maths skills.
4. Out and About
Ask your children multiplication questions whilst they’re out and about, for example ‘can you count all the cows in the field in twos?’. This gives children the chance to practise their multiplication skills in a relaxed way with no pressure, which will help with confidence.
5. Sweet Treats
This is by no means an everyday strategy, but you could use grapes, raisins or smarties teach children about grouping. They’re also a great way to reward children and to keep them interested! Of course if you prefer the healthier option you could always encourage children to count the peas on their plate!
6. Get Creative
Why not encourage children to make their own number lines and flashcards. Not only will children learn as they make them, once completed they’re perfect for taking out and about! Add some paint and glitter for extra fun!
7. Stay Enthusiastic
Whilst learning times tables might not be the most thrilling exercise, if you’re excited about practising them your child will be too, which will make the whole experience much easier! You could even introduce small rewards for each time they learn a whole times table to help to keep them motivated.
A combination of these different methods really helps to encourage repetition, learning and practising of times tables. We hope these tips and ideas will help you and your child to enjoy times table practise, if you have any other ideas please share them with us on our social channels! Click here to shop our times tables games.