Number and Counting Games

Number and Counting Games

Our fun range of number and counting games allows you to introduce younger children to counting but also older children to addition, subtraction, multiplication, time-telling and learning about the value of money. Our teacher-tested games will help to make learning maths made fun.

Number & Counting Games

28 Items found
Dinosaur Number EggsDinosaur Number Eggs
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills

Welcome to the exciting world of Dinosaur Number Eggs, where dinosaurs and learning numbers equals fun!!This captivating early number game invites children to spin the spinner and match eggs to hatch adorable baby dinosaurs, enhancing their counting skills and number recognition. Players race to hatch the most dinosaurs while staying alert for the T-Rex wild card, which adds a twist by requiring them to return an egg.Dinosaur Number Eggs promotes social interaction and friendly competition while captivating the imaginations of young dinosaur enthusiasts. Dinosaur Number Eggs is more than just a game, once player shave enjoyed the game they can use the egg cards for additional activities including creating a number, matching pairs and more.Featuring vibrant illustrations and engaging gameplay, Dinosaur Number Eggs is perfect for children aged 3 and up — a must-have addition to your game collection!

Dino-Snore-Us GameDino-Snore-Us Game
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills
  • Bestseller!

The T-Rex has stolen all the eggs - and it's up to you to get them back! Players take turns to race down the pathway to retrieve an egg. When you land on a dinosaur footprint the T-Rex is turned around - if he's woken up everyone does a big ROAR and the player must return to the start, but if he's asleep when a player reaches the end of the pathway they can spin the spinner and collect that number of eggs. The winner is the player with the most uncracked eggs in their nest at the end of the game!This exciting game of chance is a great way to get the whole family involved and would make the perfect gift for a young dinosaur fan! As with all of our games, children will be learning as they play, developing number and counting skills, observation and turn taking skills.Contents:1 four-piece playing board1 T-Rex character4 dinosaur playing pieces4 stands24 eggs4 nest collection boards1 spinner board1 two-part spinner arrow1 dice1 instruction leafletNot suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.

Nutty Numbers GameNutty Numbers Game
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
Players take it in turns to roll the dice, and pick up cards with the matching number, before adding them to their path. If a player turns over a squirrel picnic card, the matching coloured squirrel has collected enough acorns and their adventure ends. Once all players have ended their path, they count up the acorns on their path - the player with the most acorns is the winner! Designed for ages 4+, Nutty Numbers offers the perfect balance between learning and fun, where players will develop counting and observational skills in this number based game! Not suitable for children under 3years due to small parts. Choking hazard.Contents:1 3D tree1 tree base board4 3D squirrel playing pieces4 squirrel path cards36 paths cards1 number dice1 instruction leaflet
Gift Wrap from Orchard Toys
Peter Rabbit™ Don’t Wake Mr. McGregor! GamePeter Rabbit™ Don’t Wake Mr. McGregor! Game
  • Encourages Discussion
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
​Looking for a fun and engaging board game that the whole family can enjoy? Look no further than this family friendly game filled with surprises and laughter! Join Peter Rabbit, Benjamin Bunny, and Flopsy as they race to collect fruit and vegetables in this fun board game! Players must collect as much fruit and veg as possible, but watch out for Mr. McGregor – if you wake him up, you’re out of luck! To move along the path, simply roll the dice and see where you land. But be careful – if you land on a watering can, your rabbit will fall in and sneeze a loud ‘Atishoo!’. Then, pick up Mr. McGregor and turn him around – making him growl or snore depending on which way he’s facing!When you reach the radish at the end of the path, if Mr. McGregor is asleep, spin the spinner to see how many fruit and veg cards you can steal from him! But watch out! If Mr. McGregor is awake when you reach the end of your path, your rabbit is frightened away and must return to the start!Once all the fruit and veg cards have been collected, count up the fresh fruit and veg cards on your trug collection board to determine the winner. Just be sure not to count any rotten fruit and vegetables – nobody wants those! Not suitable for children under 3years due to small parts. Choking hazard.
Peter Rabbit™ Fish and Count GamePeter Rabbit™ Fish and Count Game
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills
​Get ready for an exciting fishing adventure with Peter Rabbit, Jeremy Fisher, Benjamin and Flopsy Bunny, in this Fish and Count game where you must try to catch as many fish as possible, but watch out for the sneaky stickleback that might steal your catch of cards! Spin the spinner, look for a card showing the same number of water beetles as the number the spinner landed on, and turn over to see how many fish you have caught! The player with the most fish in their net at the end of the game will be the winner! But this game isn’t just about catching fish; it’s also an excellent way to practise and enhance your counting skills. With its delightful characters and simple gameplay, it’s sure to provide entertainment play after play! ​Not suitable for children under 3years due to small parts. Choking hazard.
Spotty CowsSpotty Cows
  • Develops Matching and Memory Skills
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills

Children will love this farm themed Spotty Cows mini game!Perfect for little learners, this simple yet engaging game helps develop counting and matching skills. Players take turns rolling the dice and choosing a cow with the same number of spots as shown on the dice. Turn the card over to reveal flowers. At the end of the game, players count how many flowers they’ve collected, and the player with the most flowers wins! Ideal for on-the-go fun, Spotty Cows is great for 2-4 players and suitable for children age 3-6 years. This compact, easy-to-play game is perfect for developing turn taking skills all whilst having fun!

Bug Hunters GameBug Hunters Game
  • Encourages Discussion
  • Develops Matching and Memory Skills
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
Race to be the first player to build your bug. Choose from either a Shield Bug, Cinnabar Moth, Honeybee or Earwig. Players take it in turns to spin the spinner and everyone collects the same amount of leaves from the compost pile as shown on the spinner.Turn over the leaves to reveal the creepy crawly bugs hiding underneath, count them up and the player with the most bugs wins the round and begins to build their bug! The first player to complete their bug wins the game! Bug Hunters also comes with a fact file to learn more about the big bugs being built, and a checklist showing all the bugs featured in the game, which can be hidden around the house to make a fun hide and seek game.Designed for ages 3+, Bug Hunters offers the perfect balance between learning and fun, where players will develop counting and observational skills in this nature-themed game! Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.Contents:24 leaf/bug cards4 four-piece bug jigsaws1 spinner1 fact file/checklist board 1 instruction leaflet
Goose on the Loose! GameGoose on the Loose! Game
  • Encourages Colour Recognition
  • Develops Hand Eye Coordination
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills

Watch out! There's a Goose on the Loose! Help the farmers round up the escaped geese in this fun family board game.This fun, family game features twenty-four 3D geese to collect. Each player is given a collection board and must roll the dice to make their way around the board rounding up the geese, shouting "Honk" whilst collecting their geese, but be careful your goose doesn't escape or you'll find yourself shouting "Goose on the Loose!". The winner is the player with the most geese on their board when everybody has finished the game.Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.

Egg Surprise Mini GameEgg Surprise Mini Game
  • Develops Hand Eye Coordination
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills

Collect spotty bunnies and discover the eggs in this fun counting game that makes the perfect sugar-free alternative to an Easter Egg! Spin the carrot spinner and choose a bunny card showing the same number of spots as the number on your spinner. Turn over the card which will show a number of eggs on it - the more eggs the better! The winner is the player with the most eggs at the end of the game.As part of Orchard Toys Mini Games range, Egg Surprise is compact and portable in size making it perfect for travel, at home or on holiday.The Mini Games range also makes perfect pocket money toys, birthday gifts and Christmas stocking fillers.Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.

Number Bears GameNumber Bears Game
  • Develops Hand Eye Coordination
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills

The perfect introduction to addition and subtraction. Number Bears is a combined learning activity and game in one. Players must get their bear safely home to their cubs by turning over number cards and solving mathematical problems in this fun number bonds game. But, be careful the bear doesn't get distracted by the yummy pot of honey or you'll have to miss a turn!! Featuring competitive gameplay, fun bear characters and a broad range of simple and challenging sums, this number bonds game is suitable for players 5+ and can be played with up to 4 players.Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.

First Times Tables GameFirst Times Tables Game
  • Develops Matching and Memory Skills
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills

Introduce children to 2, 5 and 10 times tables with this fun pancake flippin' times tables game! To begin, First Times Tables can be used as a learning resource to help parents to teach their child about the basic concepts of multiplication. Children will learn that multiplication is about the grouping of different numbers and how to use a number line to understand sequencing and multiplication.Once children begin to grasp the basics of multiplication a fun pancake-themed game awaits! They can put their new skills into practise as they race to stack the most pancakes on their plate playing board. Players spin the spinner to see which times table they will be practising, then use the spatula to flip the pancake and check the answer! This fun introduction to times tables is bound to have children laughing and enjoying times tables as they toss their pancakes high into the sky! Contents:30 pancake cards4 place setting boards1 card spatula1 spinner board1 two-part plastic spinner3 number line boards1 instruction leafletYou may also be interested in our Times Tables Heroes GameNot suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.

Penalty Shoot Out Mini GamePenalty Shoot Out Mini Game
  • Develops Matching and Memory Skills
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
  • Bestseller!

GOOOOOOAAAL! Who will be the number one striker in this football themed Mini Game? Roll the dice and match the spots to the number on the football shirt. At the end of the game it's the number of footballs on the back of the cards which will have the players running a victory lap around the living room! Fun, simple, compact and great value Penalty Shoot Out is perfect for some football fun at home and on the move.Contents:24 football shirt cards1 diceNot suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.

Spotty Sausage Dogs GameSpotty Sausage Dogs Game
  • Encourages Colour Recognition
  • Develops Matching and Memory Skills
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills

Who will build the Spotty Sausage Dog with the most spots in this fun-filled game for all the family? Spin the spinner, find the matching card, add to your sausage dog then count the spots! The exciting and engaging gameplay is sure to hold children's attention play after play and the quirky sausage dog characters will provide lots of laughs too! Remember it's not the longest sausage dog that wins the game, it's the one with the most spots! Designed for children age 4 years + and with the opportunity to play with up to 6 players, Spotty Sausage Dogs will provide lots of fun for the whole family.Contents:40 sausage dog cards (6 heads, 6 tails, 28 middles)1 spinner7 coloured disks1 instruction leafletNot suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.

Times Tables Heroes GameTimes Tables Heroes Game
  • Promotes Imaginative Play
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills
  • Bestseller!
  • 2 Games in 1!

This fun multiplication game will help children practise their times tables from 2-12. With two games in one - Hero City board game and Multiplication Bingo - times table practise will be filled with fun! In the Hero City Board Game players move around the board by spinning the spinners and solving multiplication sums. If a player lands on a shield square they have to use their imaginations to help their superhero defeat the disaster - they'll need to defeat the evil unicorns, outwit the zombies or even escape the giant slugs! Times Tables Heroes also includes a colourful times tables checker, which can be used with or outside of the game to extend learning.When the game is finished players can turn over the board for a fast paced game of Multiplication Bingo! Using the cards and spinners from the board game, players race to be the first to get 3 in a row. This will be especially helpful for encouraging children to recall their times tables quickly.Times Tables Heroes is designed to help parents and children prepare for the multiplication tables check (MTC), which is compulsory nationwide in primary schools for children in Year 4 from June 2020.Contents:1 jigged double-sided board21 shield cards4 character playing pieces4 character stands3 spinner boards3 two-part plastic spinners1 times tables checker4 superhero reference cards1 instruction leafletNot suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.

Mammoth Maths GameMammoth Maths Game
  • Encourages Discussion
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills
Be the first back to the cave in this fun-filled prehistoric maths game. Players move their caveman playing piece around the board, solving maths problems along the way.If they land on a plus or minus square they solve one of their four addition and subtraction sums, then they can check their answers using the magic viewer. If correct they hook the completed sum over the 3D mammoth's trunk!If a player lands on a feather square they can tickle another mammoth's trunk, which will make it sneeze and lose a sum from it's trunk! This fun element is bound to have children laughing! Players can choose whether to solve easier or more challenging sums, which encourages progressive learning and allows players of different ages and abilities can play together.Not suitable for children under 3years due to small parts. Choking hazard.Contents:1 jigged game board30 stone ring cards1 bone number line4 cave-person playing pieces4 character stands4 two-piece mammoths1 dice1 feather card1 magic torch viewer1 instruction leafletNot suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.
Counting Mountain GameCounting Mountain Game
  • Encourages Discussion
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills

Be the first to reach the mountain top in this exciting counting and addition game, which includes a 3D mountain!Take turns to turn over two footprint cards, count the yeti footprints and move your climber up the mountain the same number of spaces. Children will enjoy hanging their climbers onto the 3D mountain.However, watch out for the yetis! If you turn over a yeti card you must move backwards the number of footprints shown. If you turn over two yetis everyone moves backwards two spaces!Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.Contents:1 jigged board1 two-part 3D mountain4 character playing pieces4 character stands1 summit piece10 footprint cards3 yeti cards1 instruction leafletView all of our number & counting games

Giraffes in Scarves GameGiraffes in Scarves Game
  • Encourages Colour Recognition
  • Develops Matching and Memory Skills
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills
  • Bestseller!
How many scarves can you collect for your giraffe? Roll the dice, pick a card and build your giraffe in this fun counting and colour matching game. The winner is the player with the most scarves on their giraffe!The exciting and engaging gameplay is sure to hold children's attention play after play, testing a number of different educational skills...from basic colour matching and counting to memory, strategy and turn taking. The quirky and beautifully illustrated giraffe characters are sure to provide lots of laughs too!Designed for ages 4-7, Giraffes in Scarves offers the perfect balance between learning and fun! It can also be played by up to 6 players.Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.Contents:24 neck cards6 head cards6 base boards1 colour dice1 instruction leafletNot suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.
Peter Rabbit Range
Cheeky Monkeys GameCheeky Monkeys Game
  • Develops Hand Eye Coordination
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills
A fun game of chance for all the family. There's no hanging about in this fast paced game, as players battle to collect and count the most bananas – but watch out for other players trying to steal them! Players must make strategic decisions by choosing whether to play it safe after their first turn or spin the spinner to either collect or risk losing more bananas!Children will enjoy hanging their monkeys onto the 3D tree, which adds another fun dimension to this exciting game. As well as teaching basic counting skills, Cheeky Monkeys encourages children to think strategically, interact with others and make decisions.Contents:1 two-part 3D tree32 monkey cards1 pool board1 spinner board1 two-part plastic spinner arrow1 instruction leafletNot suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.
Magic Maths GameMagic Maths Game
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills
  • Bestseller!
Magic Maths is an exciting and spellbinding maths game for children aged 5-7. Players take turns to solve the sums and fill their boards with yucky spell ingredients, from worm-infested cupcakes to brains and bogies! Once players have worked out the answer to the sum, the magic turning over their card and rubbing the heat sensitive patches to reveal if their answer is correct.The game has been designed specifically for KS1 maths in collaboration with teachers and educational professionals. Therefore, it incorporates a broad range of sums including addition, subtraction and multiplication to offer a challenging game.Featuring competitive gameplay, fun wizard characters and a broad range of simple and challenging sums, this spellbinding game is bound to be a favourite amongst conscientious parents and budding wizards!Not suitable for children under 3years due to small parts. Choking hazard.Contents:4 wizard boards30 spell ingredient cards30 magic sum cards1 instruction leaflet
What's the Time, Mr Wolf GameWhat's the Time, Mr Wolf Game
  • Encourages Discussion
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills
What's The Time Mr Wolf? is a great board game which is both fun and educational as it develops analogue and digital time telling skills. Players must race their character around the board matching the times to the central clock - but watch out for the hungry wolf!There are two ways to play this educational game - one by matching analogue times and moving the clock hands, but watch out, if you land on Mr.Wolf you must feed one of the cards from your board to the 3D wolf for dinner! The second game is won by matching digital times to analogue. What's the Time Mr Wolf features cute woodland animals which children will love, including bunnies and hedgehogs.Contents:1 jigged forest playing board20 double sided square cards4 jigged double sided collection boards1 large clock face1 set of movable clock hands1 slot-together 3D wolf1 dice4 animal character playing pieces4 character stands1 instruction leafletNot suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.
The Game of LadybirdsThe Game of Ladybirds
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills
Children will learn to count as they match the spots and collect cute ladybirds in one of Orchard Toys' first ever games! Players must roll the dice, match the spots on the cards to the ones on the dice and count the ladybirds hiding on the leaves. This simple game uses a classic cup and dice, which children will enjoy as they take their turn! The player with the most ladybirds at the end of the game is the winner.Game of Ladybirds is a game of anticipation, where players wait with excitement to see how many ladybirds they will turn over - could it be three...or zero?! As well as matching the number on the dice to the number on the cards, players will gain additional maths skills from counting all their ladybirds up at the end.Contents:24 ladybird cards1 dice1 instruction leafletNot suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.
Bus Stop Board Game | Orchard ToysBus Stop Board Game | Orchard Toys
  • Encourages Discussion
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills
  • Bestseller!
Race to the bus station, picking up and dropping off passengers as you go! Throw the dice to move your bus around the board, either landing on a plus or minus square. Players spin the spinner to determine the number of passengers to count on or off their bus. The winner is the player with the most passengers when their bus finally arrives at the bus station!Bus Stop is an Orchard Toys classic and has been a top 10 favourite for many years. Children will develop their adding and subtracting skills and have fun talking about the interesting characters and places the bus stops along the way!Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.Contents:1 jigged playing board4 bus boards4 bus counters4 stands40 passenger cards1 dice1 spinner board1 two-part spinner arrow1 instruction leafletNot suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.
Pop to the Shops International Board GamePop to the Shops International Board Game
  • Encourages Discussion
  • Promotes Imaginative Play
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills
Race and count your 3D character from shop to shop, using play money to buy lots of different items! The winner is the first person to collect 6 items on their board. This fun board game offers older Orchard Toys fans longer and more varied gameplay than some of our traditional matching games.Children will learn about handling money and giving change as well as developing their imagination as they take on the roles of shop keeper and banker, playing with pretend money. The game also encourages good manners, as players say 'please' and 'thank you' to the shopkeeper every time they buy an item. Children can also add their own tills and purses to the game for extra play value!Not suitable for children under 3years due to small parts. Choking hazard.Contents:1 jigged game board48 item cards4 shopping bag boards4 characters4 character standsPlay money1 dice1 instruction leaflet
Insey Winsey Spider GameInsey Winsey Spider Game
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills
  • Develops Shape and Matching Skills
  • 2 Games in 1!
Learn about counting and shapes with this classic Orchard Toys game, based on the popular nursery rhyme. Be the first to move your cute 3D spider up the drainpipe before it starts to rain!There are two ways to play - one with a number dice and one with a shape dice - as you play either the simple counting game on one side of the board or the shape matching game on the other. On every turn, spin the spinner to see if the sun will shine or whether the rain will wash you back down the drain!As you play, why not encourage your children to sing the 'Insey Winsey Spider' nursery rhyme as they go? This game has quick and simple gameplay, perfect to play before bed and to introduce the concept of turn taking to younger children!Contents:4 drainpipe boards4 spider counters1 spinner1 number dice1 shapes dice1 instruction leafletNot suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.
Tell the Time GameTell the Time Game
  • Encourages Discussion
  • Develops Matching and Memory Skills
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills
Children will learn about analogue and digital time telling in this fun lotto game! Cards show everyday activities - such as having breakfast and brushing your teeth - in analogue and digital times, which children are encouraged to say aloud whilst matching to the pictures on their board. There are four boards for players to choose from, each with a different set of daily activities.For more advanced players, the game can be played by matching digital times to the times on the clock faces on the other side of their board, encouraging recognition of both digital and analogue times.Contents:4 double-sided ‘time’ boards24 picture cards1 instruction leaflet
Build a Beetle Mini GameBuild a Beetle Mini Game
  • Develops Matching and Memory Skills
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills
Based on the classic game of Beetle, players must match the beetle body parts in the correct order by using their number and colour matching skills. Fun and laughter are guaranteed as players try to be the first to build their colourful beetle characters! This travel game is for 2 - 4 players and suitable for ages 4 - 8 years.The mini games are Orchard Toys' smallest games in a compact and portable size, perfect for at home or on the move.Contents:4 nine-piece beetles1 spinner board1 two-part spinner (separate plastic arrow from base and attach to spinner board)Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.
Pop to the Shops Board GamePop to the Shops Board Game
  • Encourages Discussion
  • Promotes Imaginative Play
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills
Race and count your 3D character from shop to shop, using play money to buy lots of different items! The winner is the first person to collect 6 items on their board. This fun board game offers older Orchard Toys fans longer and more varied gameplay than some of our traditional matching games.Children will learn about handling money and giving change as well as developing their imagination as they take on the roles of shop keeper and banker, playing with realistic pretend money. They will also be taught about good manners, as they must say 'please' and 'thank you' to the shopkeeper every time they buy an item!Not suitable for children under 3years due to small parts. Choking hazard.Contents:1 jigged game board48 item cards4 shopping bag boards4 characters4 character standsPlay money1 dice1 instruction leaflet
Catch and Count GameCatch and Count Game
  • Encourages Discussion
  • Develops Number and Counting Skills
  • Encourages Observational Skills
  • Develops Personal and Social Skills
  • Bestseller!
Spin the octopus spinner to see how many fish you can catch, but do take care...there's a shark out there! Spin the spinner, count the number of bubbles and collect the matching cards on your fish board. But watch out! If you turn over a shark card, it will eat all of your fish and you'll have to start again! The player with the most fish at the end of the game is the winner!The excitement of this game is in the anticipation of turning over cards...will you turn over a shark card or collect more fish?! Children will also love the fun shell spinner. Player boards and cards feature a number of friendly sea creatures, including clown fish, starfish, crabs and puffer fish, and can be used to show children the different creatures that live underwater.Continue to learn numbers with our Number Colouring & Sticker Activity Book. Trace and colour the numbers from 1-10.Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.Contents:30 bubble cards4 jar boards1 spinner1 instruction leaflet
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